Saturday, October 6, 2018


Why do some people continuously struggle while others overcome tremendous adversity time and again? Well, it might just have something to do with the little talked about mental skill of self-reflection.

self-reflection provides you with an opportunity to consciously and actively create your life on purpose. What this means is that you no longer respond haphazardly to events, people, and circumstances. No longer are you at the mercy to the world around you, you are instead the captain of your ship, steering it in the direction of your choosing. Instead of taking the time to reflect and learn from their experiences, they are just too caught up in self-pity, and simply unable to break free from this vicious cycle.

Self-reflection requires that you have a hunger and eagerness to want to improve yourself and improve your life. It requires being willing and able to ask insightful questions about yourself, about life and about the people you interact with. Moreover, self-reflection requires being alert, curious and open to the vast array of possibilities that exist before you. And this, of course, requires also being open to changing your mind and perspective about things that you possibly never before questioned.

Every single evening you choose to sit down and reflect on the day’s events you hold in your hands the power to change the course and direction of your life. However, nothing will ever change unless and until you decide that you will no longer stand for how things are.Only an unwavering commitment toward making proactive changes consistently every single day through self-reflection will help you get unstuck and living your life with more purpose and intention.



SELF REFLECTION Why do some people continuously struggle while others overcome tremendous adversity time and again? Well, it might just...